
Sunflowers have been growing in popularity recently, and we’ve noticed more and more of you are asking for them. Which is great! We love sunflowers too.

We try to stock them every week, but don’t have them all the time. If you would like us to keep some aside for you, let us know the week before you will need them. Sunflowers usually come in on a Monday (but not always, sometimes they come on other days too, so just let us know what is best for you.)

Some things to keep in mind when ordering sunflowers:

– Sunflowers often come in tight, still to open up. So they might look like green buds for a few days. If you need them to be open or opening, you will need to let us know ahead of time by a few days.
– Sunflower stems are soft and go yukky quickly in water. Make sure you re-cut the stems every other day and change the water to keep the water and the sunflowers fresh.Jute bag florals. Yellow, orange, red. Gold Coast delivery.