Adam’s Garden Florist is your local brick-and-mortar florist in Parkwood, on Queensland’s Gold Coast, with a street-side location and easy parking out-front.
Read about the new products we have in store, fun event’s we have done and also friendly reminders. You might also find some interesting how-to notes, and photos of beautiful custom flowers bouquets we have been making.
For online shopping check out our shop.
More Tillandsias
We can't help posting again about them... we're so in love. The Tillandsia Medusae is flowering! How happiness! …
Crimson Splashes
...Care, humility, rank, and pride In the sight of the flowers are laid aside. Bright, oh! bright are a thousand shades, Crimson splashes and slender blades...(From: The Flower Fair, by Po Chu-i, {A.D. 772-846})Happy Valentine's…
Next Tuesday is V-day!
We should probably say something about how Valentine's Day is next week, and how we will have wonderful flowers (particularly roses 😉 and you should all come in and get some! But we don't need to tell you that do we? We'll just let these bears…
Anthuriums and orchid in vase
Something for a table or reception counter. Red anthuriums and white Singpore orchid in moss with happy plant leaf curled around.
Re-writing the language of flowers 1: Sunflower
Recently I discovered an ancient book, tattered and falling apart, though it doesn't have a date in the front I gather it to be from around the 1850's. It is full of curious things, and amongst these a list of flowers and botanical specimens…
The White & Green Album
For your pleasure - a selection of studio work and inspirations. Enjoy!
Christmas & New Year Opening Hours
We will be closing for the 25th, 26th & 27th of December, and also 1st & 2nd January.Other days over the holiday period may be slightly shorter hours, but just call us... even if you need something on the 27th or the 2nd, you never know, we…
Happy Christmas
It's Christmas time again, the bell tinkles as the afternoon breeze comes through, and the little bird looks out our shop window at the world going by; how busy we all are, how tired. If you're anything like us you will be feeling that although…
Where to find us:
Shop 3, 280 Olsen Ave
Parkwood, QLD 4214
+61 7 5594 7774
Our Shop Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm
Sat: 8.30am-3.30pm
Portfolio Work
Adam's Garden FloristSoft toned Bridal Bouquet with King Protea and Cottage Roses26/06/2019 - 3:41 pm
Adam's Garden FloristKing Protea Wedding Flowers19/06/2019 - 3:33 pm
Adam's Garden FloristBaby’s Breath Bridesmaids Posies12/06/2019 - 3:20 pm
Adam's Garden FloristMoody deep reds and ivory Bridal Bouquet05/06/2019 - 3:19 pm