Adam’s Garden Florist is your local brick-and-mortar florist in Parkwood, on Queensland’s Gold Coast, with a street-side location and easy parking out-front.
Read about the new products we have in store, fun event’s we have done and also friendly reminders. You might also find some interesting how-to notes, and photos of beautiful custom flowers bouquets we have been making.
For online shopping check out our shop.

In season now: Blossom
Blossom is one of our favourite things! Comes in white and pink. Small delicate flowers on wintery sticks.
Available by pre-order only.

Warm Winter Bouquet
Here we have used red gerberas, banksia, coccinea, protea, spinning gum, and other foliage to create a warm winter bouquet.

Silk Floral Arrangements
Here are two arrangements from our studio using artificial or 'silk' flowers in an unusual style. The arrangements include green cymbidium orchids, and beautiful magenta pink roses with willow sticks, palm sticks and housed in wonderfully textured…

Hedgepig? you ask, what is a Hedgepig? Well, these cute little friends are!
Another cute and quirky creation from the from the curious mind of Gold Coast crafster LittleJojo. Yes, totally hand-stitched.

Red and White Wedding
Last week we added a blue and white wedding to our portfolio, this week we're adding a red and white wedding. Enjoy!
The bouquets^
A corsage^

Mini Dome Display
This mini dome display on a log is another curious thing: it could be a terrarium, it could display a cup-cake... just think of the possibilities. There are 3 only.

This week's Curiosity
We have been having fun with all the rain, and now the freezing weather! Trying to think of something cheery to post while I sit here shivering! I know it's Queensland, it's not really that cold, comparatively, but it's still cold! Anyhoo, check…

Welcome to our new website!
Please bear with us as we work on making it better and add lots of wonderful things for you to see.
Over the coming weeks we hope to add a shop functionality... there may be a few hiccups... but hopefully not...
Where to find us:
Shop 3, 280 Olsen Ave
Parkwood, QLD 4214
+61 7 5594 7774
Our Shop Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm
Sat: 8.30am-3.30pm
Portfolio Work
Adam's Garden FloristSoft toned Bridal Bouquet with King Protea and Cottage Roses26/06/2019 - 3:41 pm
Adam's Garden FloristKing Protea Wedding Flowers19/06/2019 - 3:33 pm
Adam's Garden FloristBaby’s Breath Bridesmaids Posies12/06/2019 - 3:20 pm
Adam's Garden FloristMoody deep reds and ivory Bridal Bouquet05/06/2019 - 3:19 pm