Adam’s Garden Florist is your local brick-and-mortar florist in Parkwood, on Queensland’s Gold Coast, with a street-side location and easy parking out-front.
Read about the new products we have in store, fun event’s we have done and also friendly reminders. You might also find some interesting how-to notes, and photos of beautiful custom flowers bouquets we have been making.
For online shopping check out our shop.

Happy succulent plants! If you ever need succulents we try to always have a nice little selection for purchase in store here in Parkwood.

Rose Globe
Just a fun thing - glass globe with a rose (artificial), with moss and "x o heart u" on a tag.

Tillandsia Table Arrangements
For an event in Main Beach - Surfers Paradise, what could be more appropriate than these beachy looking table arrangements, featuring medium sized living air-plants (tillandsias) of various types, with sand, shells, preserved moss in glass vases.…

Sunflower Bouquet
Here is a sunny bouquet we sent out to Ashmore last week:

cottage rose wedding posy
We can't always get these lovely creamy cottage roses, but these are gorgeous! Simple bridal posy with trailing ivy around.

Cool Containers
These are some ceramic hanging pots just in, and we've found some funky succulents for them...

Long Native Flower Arrangement
Long native flower arrangement for a casket or altar.

Button Fern Terrarium
Button fern in a fishbowl vase... *sigh* ... so ferny and nice.
Where to find us:
Shop 3, 280 Olsen Ave
Parkwood, QLD 4214
+61 7 5594 7774
Our Shop Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8.30am-5.30pm
Sat: 8.30am-3.30pm
Portfolio Work
Adam's Garden FloristSoft toned Bridal Bouquet with King Protea and Cottage Roses26/06/2019 - 3:41 pm
Adam's Garden FloristKing Protea Wedding Flowers19/06/2019 - 3:33 pm
Adam's Garden FloristBaby’s Breath Bridesmaids Posies12/06/2019 - 3:20 pm
Adam's Garden FloristMoody deep reds and ivory Bridal Bouquet05/06/2019 - 3:19 pm